

  1. Admission to this school is to be considered a privilege and not a right.
  2. Admission to Class A must be 4 years of age by February birth certificate must be submitted at the time of admission.
  3. For admission to Class B and above original Transfer Certificate, Report Card and Birth Certificate must be submitted.
  4. The name and date of Birth entered in the birth certificate will not be altered under any circumstances.
  5. Pupil who has not attended a recognized school will be examined in the matter of class immediately below that to which the admission is sought.
  6. The school reserves the right to refuse admission to any student without assigning any reason.


  1. The school has the right to terminate a student who is irregular in attendance, in conduct, non-cooperative, insincere in studies and uncontrolled discipline.
  2. Transfer Certificate will not be issued until and the fees/dues are paid for the entire academic year whether the pupil attended the class or not.
  3. Students who are not coming for the next session must take their Transfer Certificate immediately after the Final Result is declared, failing of which they have to pay 3 months fees extra.
  4. Students who is absent without any information continuously for 1 month or more will be terminated.
  5. Parents/Guardians alone may apply for the Transfer Certificate.
  6. Pupil who is found obtained admission by false representation will be dismissed without prior notice.
  7. Irregular attendance, any kind of cheating or misconduct, behavior objectionable to the moral tone of the school is sufficient reason for expulsion of student.
  8. Failed students in class 7, 8 and 9 will not be retained under any circumstances in the school for next academic session.



Fee Structure